European University Alliances: A New Space for Digital Humanism?
Perspectives of action of European universities for education and research.

On September 26, 2023, the French Embassy in Austria and the Institut Français d’Autriche celebrated the 6th anniversary of the French President’s Sorbonne speech.
In cooperation with the Spanish Embassy in Austria, and as part of the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the event highlighted the role of the European University Alliances in meeting societal challenges, in the presence of French, Austrian and Spanish representatives of the member institutions of the European University Alliance EULiST, who presented the Alliance’s strategy, particularly with regard to digital issues.
The panel discussion entitled “European University Alliances: A New Space for Digital Humanism?” offered the opportunity to question the perspectives of action of European universities for education and research. The speakers included Hannes Werthner, Peter Knees and Julia Neidhardt from the UNESCO Chair of Digital Humanism at the Vienna University of Technology and Elsa Andres from the Central European University.