UNESCO Awards Chair on Digital Humanism.

The UNESCO Chair on Digital Humanism (2023–2027) aims to shape the development of digital technologies and policies toward human rights, democracy, participation, inclusion, and diversity.
Peter Knees and Julia Neidhardt are Chairholder and Co-Chairholder.
The chair was established in 2023 and fosters interdisciplinary collaboration and establishes strong links with partner universities, especially in the global south, through research and education. Moreover, it aims to develop teaching curricula reflecting the topics of Digital Humanism; to include interdisciplinary methods into technical courses at TU Wien; to develop and adopt ethical research policies following UNESCO’s Recommendation on Ethics of Artificial Intelligence; and to organize recurring events to exchange and develop research agendas with related research initiatives.
The chair further acts as a networking hub, connecting partners and activities of the international DIGHUM initiative of TU Wien and the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML).
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