David Danks: “AI Ethics as Translational Ethics”
"David Danks talks about the ethical implications of AI and how we can create ethics specific to AI design, development, and deployment."

April 5th 2022
- 17:00 – 18:00 CEST
This is an online-only event.
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On This Page
- Speaker: David Danks, UCSD, USA
- Moderator: Moshe Y. Vardi, Rice University, USA
About the Event
April 5, 2022
5:00 – 6:00 PM
(17:00) CET
There is now widespread recognition that advances in AI and related technologies have deep ethical and societal implications. At the same time, there is much less consensus about what we should expect from AI ethics. In this talk, I will first argue that ethical analyses cannot be treated as a secondary or optional aspect of technology creation. No AIs are outside of the scope of ethics, though the ethical content of an AI is often different than people think. I will then argue that AI ethics should be a translational ethics: a robust, multi-disciplinary effort that starts with the practices of AI design, development, and deployment, and then develops practical guidance to produce more ethical AI. Throughout the talk, I will provide concrete examples of AI ethics as translational ethics.
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