Niki Popper
TU Wien, Austria

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Nikolas “Niki” Popper studied Mathematics in Vienna, Barcelona, Catalonia (Spain) and Moscow, Idaho (US), failed in studying Jazz Theory and Philosophy and received his ScD (Dr.techn.) at TU Wien. He is coordinator of COCOS “Centre for Computational Complex Systems” at TU Wien, as well as chairman of DEXHELPP, the COMET K-Project (Decision Support for Health Policy and Planning), which is dedicated to the development of models and to efficient and safe use of data for decision making in health systems. His main research interests are theory and applications of modelling & simulation of dynamic and complex systems, especially: coupling of models & comparative modelling & simulation as well as calibration and validation concepts and domain and application integration of simulation models like for health system research and model based HTA (Health Technology Assessment). He worked as science editor and journalist and co-founded two successful companies, the production company drahtwarenhandlung for scientific films, data journalism and computer animation and the R&D company dwh GmbH for technical solutions and simulation services, dedicated to develop new and innovative pipelines from the basic idea for a data driven analysis up to a ready for market solution. He is executive Board Member of EUROSIM and ASIM and Founding President of ISPOR Austrian Chapter. Niki Popper is married and is father of two children.