Paola Inverardi
Università dell’Aquila, Italy

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Paola Inverardi is Professor of Computer Science at University of L’Aquila. She was Rector of University of L’Aquila from October 2013 to September 2019. Paola Inverardi’s research area is in the application of rigorous methods to software production in order to improve software quality. In the last decade her research interests concentrated in the field of software architectures, mobile applications and adaptive and autonomous systems. Currently she leads a project to develop software solutions to protect users’ ethics in the interaction with autonomous technologies. Inverardi served in the editorial boards of IEEE, ACM, Springer and Elsevier Journals. She has been general chair or program chair of leading conferences in software technology (e.g. ASE, ICSE, ESEC/FSE) and chair of the ICSE and ESEC Steering Committees. She has been member of the ACM Europe Council and she is vice-chair of ACM EUTPC. She is member of Academia Europaea. She is the Italian National Delegate for the European H2020-ICT Committee and the Italian representative in the Eurohpc Governing Board. She is 2021- G20 sherpa for the Italian Ministry of University and Research. She has received a Honorary Doctorate at Mälardalen University Sweden and a Honorary doctorate at Shibaura University, Tokyo Japan, she has received the 2013 IEEE TCSE Distinguished Service Award