Reinhard Posch
TU Graz

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Reinhard Posch is Professor emeritus of the TU Graz, where he headed the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications. His research interests include applied information processing with a focus on it security, cryptography, eGovernment and IoT. Since 2001 he is the CIO for the Austrian, being primarily involved in the strategic coordination of activities in the field of ICT that concern all levels of government. He acted also as Chair of the Board of ENISA, the European Network and Security Agency. He participated in many large-scale pilot projects, e.g., the “Handy-Signatur”, the Austrian Citizen card that was also used as a model for the remote Signature of eIDaS. He took part in various groups installed by the European Commission to elaborate ICT and security strategies (e.g. „Future Internet Visionaries“, RISEPTIS). He was a member of the “Rat der IT Weisen” he is providing advice to the Commissioners Kroes and Sefkovic in the area of IT-Security to assist the implementation of the Digital Agenda. Helping Greece to recover from the economic crisis he assisted implementing innovation in the Greek eGovernment. He also participates in the IT advisory board of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Reinhard Posch got awarded the Grand Decoration of Honor in Silver for Services to the Republic of Austria.