Olivia Erdelyi: “AI Regulation Around the Globe - What You Always Wanted to Know But Never Dared to Ask”
CAIML Colloquium with Olivia Erdelyi.

Recently, there has been a surge of AI regulatory initiatives both at the international and domestic levels. There are increasingly severe compliance implications for organizations, yet it is virtually impossible to keep up with the wealth of emerging rules. There are also instances of disconnect between the policy and scientific community, leading to inconsistent and sometimes even incorrect terminologies. This talk gave an overview of the most relevant international AI policy actors and key regulatory issues. It also discussed some regulatory design questions and looked into a couple of problematic terminologies.
About the Speaker
Dr. Olivia J. Erdelyi is an internationally recognized AI ethics and policy expert and consultant with a multidisciplinary background in computer science, economics, law, and political science. Her work centers around developing sustainable policies and robust regulatory and governance frameworks to enable beneficial development and societal adoption of emerging technologies, in particular AI. She is active in international AI policymaking and advises governments and organizations on their journey towards AI readiness.
Beyond her current roles as Senior Lecturer at University of Canterbury, Mercator Visiting Professor at University of Bonn, Senior Partner AI Ethics and Governance at PHI Institute, and consultant to the OECD, Olivia is serving as an expert in various policy and standardization bodies, including the OECD Network of Experts (ONE AI), the International Panel for the Information Environment (IPIE), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).
Prior to these roles, she was Director of Ethics and Policy at Soul Machines and has worked with international law firms, the Court of Justice of the European Union, and the European Commission in corporate law and European and international financial regulation and policy.