Special Interest Groups
Special interest groups at CAIML.
CAIML is a hub for research, innovation, collaboration, and education. This center should bring together experts, researchers, students, and industry professionals to foster interdisciplinary collaboration and drive advancements in AI and ML technologies.
CAIML is a focal point for advancing the field, fostering collaboration, nurturing talent, and promoting AI and ML technologies' responsible and ethical use. Through its activities, it contributes to the growth and development of AI and ML ecosystems in academia and industry.
Within CAIML, there exist several Special Interest Groups that share a common interest, expertise, or focus on specific topics. SIGs are formed to facilitate collaboration, knowledge sharing, and networking among individuals who have specialized knowledge in a particular field.
AI Ethics
Coordinators: Kees van Berkel, Sabine Köszegi, Marjo Rauhala
AI in Industry
Coordinators: Robert Sablatnig, Martin Kampel
Digital Humanism
Coordinator: Peter Knees
Coordinator: Oliver Hödl
Generative AI
Coordinators: Bernhard Krüpl-Sypien, Julia Neidhardt
Coordinator: Ioannis Giannopoulos
High-Energy Physics
Coordinator: Claudius Krause
Human-Centered AI
Coordinator: Florian Michahelles
Knowledge Discovery in Architecture
Coordinator: Milica Vujovic
Knowledge Graphs
Coordinators: Katja Hose, Emanuel Sallinger
Coordinator: Agata Ciabattoni
Materials Science
Coordinator: Georg Madsen
Coordinator: Oliver Kimberger
Numerics for AI/AI for Numerics
Coordinators: Michael Feischl, Ansgar Jüngel
Quantum Physics
Coordinator: Sabine Andergassen
Reinforcement Learning
Coordinators: Radu Grosu, Clemens Heitzinger, Benedikt Hartl
Social Networks and Graph Analytics
Coordinator: Stefan Neumann
Statistics and AI
Coordinator: Laura Vana-Gür
Sustainability and AI
Coordinators: Ezio Bartocci, Ivona Brandic
Visual Computing
Coordinator: Martin Kampel