Cristiano Codagnone

University of Milan, Italy


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Cristiano Codagnone graduated in Political Economy from Bocconi University in Milan, and obtained a PhD in Sociology from New York University. He is a professor at the Department of Social and Political Studies of the University of Milan, and scientific director of the Open Evidence research company. From July 2014 to December 2015 he was Visiting Senior Research Fellow at the London School of Economics (department of media and communications). During his career he took leave of absence from his academic positions to serve as an official at the United Nations (2003-2004) and the European Union (2009-2011; 2015-2016). Since 2005 he has designed and directed more than 70 studies in support of public policies for international organisations, national and local governments, including experimental and quasi-experimental impact evaluations in various policy domains (consumers’ protection, healthcare, industrial policy, R&D policy, social and labour market policies, and in the domain of digital transformation and online platforms). His experience in applied policy research is reflected in the two books published in 2018: Scienza in vendita (Egea) and Platform Economics: Reality and Rhetoric in the ‘Sharing Economy’ (Emerald Publishing).