Meaning of AI (ChatGPT & Co, Image Generators, Deep Fake, ...) for Universities and Services
Join the panel discussion organized by TU Wien Alumni Club.

March 18th 2024
- 18:00 – 21:00 CET
- TU Wien, Festsaal
1040 Vienna, Karlsplatz 13
1st Floor, Room AA 01 48
Bulletin TU Wien Alumni Club
The new issue of Bulletin of the TU Wien Alumni Club has been published at the beginning of March on the topic of AI with several contributions by CAIML experts and board members Thomas Eiter, Clemens Heitzinger, Walter Palmetshofer, and Stefan Woltran.
Panel Discussion
In line with this focus topic, the TU Wien Festsaal will become an AI Space on March 18, 2024. Following experts including the CAIML Board Member Julia Neidhardt will shed light on the impact of AI in the service and consulting sector and discuss the effects on teaching and examinations at TU Wien.
- Prof. DI. Dr. Horst Bischof - Rector of TU Graz
- Dr. Julia Neidhardt - CAIML Board Member, Head of CD Laboratory for Recommender Systems
- Ao. Univ.Prof. DI Dr. Peter Purgathofer - research area Human Computer Interaction
- DI Dr. Martin Wrulich, MBA Managing Partner Austria McKinsey & Company
The event will be moderated by DI Dr. Manfred Matzinger-Leopold.
Visit the official website of the event for further information and registration.