We are delighted to announce the appointment of Nysret Musliu to the position of director.
The Board of Directors is delighted to announce the appointment of Nysret Musliu to the position director of CAIML.

Nysret Musliu has been working at TU Wien since 1999. Currently he is Associate Professor and the Head of the Christian Doppler Laboratory for AI and Optimization for Planning and Scheduling. His research focuses on problem solving and search in artificial intelligence, scheduling and timetabling, machine learning and optimization. He co-authored more than 90 peer-reviewed scientific articles in important journals and conferences in the fields of Artificial Intelligence and Optimization. He has been (co-)supervising more than 10 PhD students (5 finished) and more than 30 master theses. He was Conference Chair of CPAIRO 2021, Conference/PC Co-Chair of CPAIOR 2020 and Conference/PC Co-Chair of PATAT 2018, and he is a steering committee member of PATAT conference series. The research of Nysret Musliu has also been recognized in industry and some of his research results have been included in intelligent scheduling systems that have been used in different organizations in Europe. In 2017 he received the prestigious grant Christian Doppler Laboratory for AI and Optimization for Planning and Scheduling.
Nysret Musliu was already on the CAIML board since its inception and he is replacing Stefan Woltran in the role as director. We are very pleased that Stefan Woltran will continue to be on the board of CAIML, and we want to say
“Thank you Stefan! Thank you for all your tremendous work, for initiating and laying the foundation of CAIML”.