Workshop on Foundations of Databases and AI
January 29-30, 2025 Vienna

January 29th – 30th 2025
- All day event.
The workshop on foundations of databases and AI takes place on January 29-30, 2025 at TU Wien.
Programme & Schedule
Day 1 - January 29 atSeminarraum Argentinierstraße in Argentinierstraße 8
9:30 - Session 1
Pablo Barceló: The Role of Logic in Advancing Machine Learning: Three Case Studies
Coffee Break
11:30 - Session 2
Leonid Libkin: Things we recently learned about new graph languages
Wim Martens: Programming in the Large with Data
Lunch Break
14:00 - Session 3
Floris Geerts: Query Evaluation with Neural Access Patterns
Timo Camillo Merkl: Partition Constraints for Conjunctive Queries: Bounds and Worst-Case Optimal Joins
Coffee Break
16:00 - Session 4
Andreas Pieris: Explaining Answers to Datalog Queries
Emanuel Sallinger: The Neuro-symbolic Chase: From LLMs to Knowledge Graph Embeddings
FAV HS 3 Zemanek in Favoritenstraße 9
9:30 - Session 1
Filip Murlak: Bridging the gap between static analysis and ontology-based reasoning
Sanja Lukumbuzya: On the Complexity and Expressiveness of Ontology-Mediated Queries with Closed Predicates: Capturing coNP
Coffee Break
11:30 - Session 2
Przemek Wałęga: Temporal Graph Neural Networks and Their Expressiveness
Matthias Lanzinger: Graph Motif Parameters for Complexity, Expressivity and Representation
Lunch Break
14:00 - Session 3
Independent break-out sessions
Coffee Break
16:00 - Session 4
Reinhard Pichler: Avoiding Materialisation for Guarded Aggregate Queries
Venue & Directions
The workshop will be held at TU Wien. The two days are held in different buildings (see the links in the schedule). Both are in the same area and easily accessible by public transportation. In particular, both are a short walk away from the U-Bahn Stations Karlsplatz and Taubstummengasse.
Dinner Event Wednesday
The dinner on Wednesday will take start 8PM at 10er Marie (google maps). If you did not yet RSVP but would like to join please get in touch with one of the organisers.