Digital Humanism Summer School 2022
Join leading experts in informatics, social sciences, and humanities to collaborate on pressing issues of digital politics, economy, and technology.

September 19th – 23rd 2022
- 09:00 – 17:30 CEST
- TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt, GM3 Vortmann Hörsaal
1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9
2. Stock, Raum BA 02 A05
The Digital Humanism Summer School 2022
We live in a “digital” world, where the separation between physical and virtual seems obsolete. The pandemic has acted as an accelerator of this continuous merging, demonstrating that the future of our digital society is now – with all its possibilities and shortcomings. Digital Humanism analyzes the complex interplay of technology and humanity and tries to influence further developments for a better society and life for all.
During this summer school, we discuss and collaborate on issues such as participation and democracy, digital politics and sovereignty, economy and the role of platforms, privacy, AI, ethics, and fair systems. This will be presented and discussed by globally recognized and leading academics from computer science, social sciences, and humanities.
The school is designed in an interdisciplinary manner, open to participants from the different disciplines mentioned. It is open to students at the Ph.D. and master’s level as well as interested persons from industry, institutions and civil society.
A typical course is broad enough to provide a general introduction to the chosen topic, whilst also students can learn the most relevant contributions in depth. In addition, there is enough room for discussions and presentations of participants’ projects.
All courses will be taught in English. By completing the school participants get awarded with two ECTS-credit points.
Organized by the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML), the Digital Enlightenment Forum, and the Digital Humanism Initiative.