MOSAIC Workshop 2023
Workshop on non-classical logics and their applications, with special emphasis on modal substructural logics.

September 27th – 29th 2023
- All day event.
- TU Wien, Campus Gußhaus, Kontaktraum
1040 Vienna, Gußhausstraße 25-29
6th Floor, Room CD0603
The MOSAIC 2023 workshop will be held on September 27-29, 2023, in Vienna, Austria. The workshop is an event of the RISE-MSCA project MOSAIC.
The MOSAIC 2023 workshop invites submissions on a variety of topics on non-classical logics and their applications, with special emphasis on modal substructural logics. The workshop is an event of the RISE-MSCA project MOSAIC.
You can find more information about the workshop on the workshop website: