Decision Support in Urban Social-Ecological Systems
AE8 - 8th International Architecture and Environment Symposium Decision Support in Urban Social-Ecological Systems.

February 2nd – 3rd 2023
- 09:00 – 18:00 CET
- TU Wien, Campus Getreidemarkt Konferenzsaal TUtheSky
1060 Vienna, Getreidemarkt 9
Bauteil BA (Hoftrakt), 11. Stock, Raum BA11B07 -
This is a hybrid event.
See description for details.
On This Page
About the Event
The symposium is jointly organized by the Special Interest Group Knowledge Discovery in Architecture at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML) and the Department for Digital Architecture and Planning at Vienna University of Technology, and the Architecture Internationalization Demonstration School at Southeast University in Nanjing, China.
The symposium will bring together experts from different disciplines including urban ecology, landscape ecology, landscape architecture, architecture, urban planning and computer and information science, the works of whom will provide a unique inroad to the new advances in the field of social-ecological systems with contributions to decision-making in the urban environment.
Given your work at the Center for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (CAIML), we believe that a lecture coming from a member of this center would be a significant contribution to the symposium.
This is a hybrid event. Please click the Zoom link to join.
Meeting ID: 956 7218 7556
Password: eeRbzn9B
The symposium will take place on 2nd February 2023. Additionally, we are planning a half-day discussion / seminar on 3rd February 2023 with focus on possible joint activities. These include the preparation of a book in the Springer Nature series Designing Environments, other joint publication opportunities and possible joint research activities. We hope that you will contribute a chapter to the book, which will be peer-reviewed and for which we will apply for open access status.
We would be delighted to welcome you.
Program on February 2, 2023
From Understanding Social-Ecological Systems to Decision-Support in Urban Environments
- 09:00 Welcome and Introduction
- 09:20 Introductory Note, Defne Sunguroglu Hensel
- 09:40 Redesigning our Urban World, Frederick Steiner
- 10:05 Coffee Break
- 10:30 People, Nature and Architecture, Derek Clements Croome
- 10:55 Understanding Biocultural Diversity in Landscapes, Tobias Plieninger
- 11:20 Ontologies for Urban Social-Ecological Systems, Cedric Pruski
- 11:45 Urban Futures in a Changing Climate, Ahmed Mustafa
- 12:10 Lunch Break
Evidence-Based Decision-Making Processes in Social-Ecological Systems Research
- 14:00 Introductory Note, Milica Vujovic
- 14:20 Context-Aware Ambient Cooling in Outdoor Environments, Djordje Stojanovic
- 14:45 Internet of Ecologies, Mathilde Marengo
- 15:10 Coffee Break
- 15:35 Human-City Interaction Florian Michahelles
- 15:55 SustainGraph: a Knowledge Graph-Progress Towards the SDGS, Anastasios Zafeiropoulos
- 16:15 Autographic Design and the Limits of Data-Driven Decision-Making, Dietmar Offenhuber
- 16:35 Q&A
- 17:35 Final Words